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Figure 1 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 1

From: Conservation of ciliary proteins in plants with no cilia

Figure 1

A) Phylogenetic distribution of representative examples of the filtered ciliary profile proteins from the reciprocal best BLAST analysis with different scores. Ciliated species are shown in blue. B) Venn diagram depicting the results of the bioinformatic analysis. A total of 4,802 proteins have five or more identifiable orthologues in 45 queried genomes. 472 of these proteins are detected in ciliary proteomic screens (green). 213 proteins are identified with the ciliary profile (red), of which 157 are detected in proteomic screens (yellow). 21 proteins have been identified as conserved in ciliated species and in the land plants (CCP, blue), of which one has been identified in proteomic screens. C) Western blot of whole cell lysates with anti-TY BB2 antibody (above) and loading control anti-PFR2 antibody (below). D) Direct fluorescence of whole cell Trypanosoma brucei showing cellular localisation of TbFBB17 (Tb10.406.0130) N-terminal YPF chimera (left panel) and an overlay of signal from YFP (green), DAPI (magenta) and phase-contrast (right panel). Tb10.406.0130 localises to the flagellum (white arrow). Scale bar = 2 μm.

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