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Figure 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 2

From: Physiological and biochemical responses of Ricinus communis seedlings to different temperatures: a metabolomics approach

Figure 2

Redundancy analysis based on polar metabolite profiles in response to an increase in temperature. RDA plot in the cotyledons (a) and roots (b) based on polar metabolite profiles. The distance between genotypes approximates the average dissimilarity of metabolite composition between the two sample classes being compared as measured by their Euclidean distance, whereas the distance between replicates approximates the dissimilarity of their metabolite content as measured by their Euclidean distance. The distance of selected sample symbol (circles) from temperature and genotypes symbols (triangles) predicts the sample membership in one of the classes. It can also be seen as the dissimilarity between metabolite composition of that sample and average metabolite composition of samples belonging to individual classes. Score scaling is focused on standardized metabolites scores.

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