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Figure 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 2

From: New insights into the evolutionary history of plant sorbitol dehydrogenase

Figure 2

Phylogenetic tree showing the evolutionary history of the angiosperm SDH family. A: A simplified schematic phylogeny of the SDH family inferred by MEGA 6.0 [97] software using the Neighbour Joining method. Values (as percentage, cutoff value 50) of Internal branch test (1000 replicates) supports are indicated above the corresponding branches. B: The Maximum Likelihood phylogeny of the SDH family developed by MEGA 6.0 [97] software using the selected best-fitting substitution model JTT + G [99]. 1000 times Bootstraping supports (cut off at 0.5) are displayed above corresponding branch. Closely related species are annotated accordingly. The V. vinifera LIDH (GSVIVT01010646001) is also marked.

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