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Fig. 1 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 1

From: Overexpression of plum auxin receptor PslTIR1 in tomato alters plant growth, fruit development and fruit shelf-life characteristics

Fig. 1

a PslTIR1 transgene accumulation in 10 week-old leaf samples from WT and the different transgenic tomato events were assessed by qPCR. Standard curves were used to calculate the numbers of target gene molecules per sample, which were then normalized relative to SlAct expression. ND means non-detectable. b Transcript accumulation of selected tomato early auxin-responsive genes assessed in 8-weak-old young leaves of WT, auxin-treated WT, and two PslTIR1–transgenic events. The y-axis in each figure refers to the mean molecules of target gene per reaction/mean molecules of SlAct. Each value is the mean of three biological and technical replicates with the standard error indicated. Statistically significant differences from WT (control) are indicated by (*) and (**) for the probability levels (P < 0.05) and (P < 0.01), respectively

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