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Fig. 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 2

From: Chromosome painting and its applications in cultivated and wild rice

Fig. 2

Identification of a Chr9/11 translocation in an indica rice, Zhongxian 3037 by FISH. a The chromosome 9-specific (red) and 5S rDNA (green) probes on mitotic prometaphase chromosomes. c The chromosome 9-specific (green) and 5S rDNA (red) probes on chromosomes at the pachytene stage. The chromosome 9-specific (red) and CentO (green) probes fluorescing in chromosomes in the (e) mitotic prometaphase and (g) pachytene. b and f Two pairs of translocation chromosomes were digitally separated from the rest of the chromosomes shown in panels (a) and (e), respectively. d and h Two bivalents of the translocation chromosomes were digitally separated from the rest of the chromosomes shown in panels (c) and (g), respectively. Chromosomes were stained with DAPI. i The idiograms of chromosomes 9 and chromosome 11 of Zhongxian 3037 (left) and Chr9S·11S and Chr11L·9 L of the translocation line (right). The white region is the centromere of chromosome 9. The green region is 5S rDNA and the gray region is the centromere of chromosome 11. White arrows indicate the breakpoints. Bars, 5 μm

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