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Fig. 4 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 4

From: Analysis of a novel mutant allele of GSL8 reveals its key roles in cytokinesis and symplastic trafficking in Arabidopsis

Fig. 4

Symplastic movement of SHR and miR165/6 is altered in essp8. a-d Localization of SHR-GFP fusion proteins in the primary root of three-day-old WT (a), gsl8–1 (b), gsl8–2 (c) and essp8 (d). e-h miR165/6 activity in transgenic lines with pU2:MIR165/6-GFP in primary root of three-day-old WT (e), gsl8–1 (f), gsl8–2 (g) and essp8 (h). Roots were stained with PI to visualize the cell wall. Scale bars = 20 μm. i-j Measurement of GFP ratio in endodermal cells to stele relative to the WT (i) and quantification of GFP intensity in gsl8 mutants’ primary root in gsl8 mutants (j) relative to WT. Values represent mean ± SEM (n = 10), *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01

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