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Fig. 3 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 3

From: Ozone-induced inhibition of kiwifruit ripening is amplified by 1-methylcyclopropene and reversed by exogenous ethylene

Fig. 3

Kiwifruit ethylene biosynthesis was inhibited by 1-MCP and O3. Changes in ACC (a, b) and MACC (c, d) concentrations and ACS (e, f) and ACO (g, h) enzymatic activities in kiwifruit during ripening at 20 °C following 2 or 6 months of cold storage (0 °C, 90% RH). Values represent the mean of three replicates of 10 fruits each that were analyzed at each ripening time point. Vertical bars in figure plates represent the least significant difference (LSD, P = 0.05), which was used for comparisons of means between treatments and ripening time points. Arrows indicate exogenous ethylene treatment timing

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