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Fig. 1 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 1

From: Transcriptomic analysis reveals key factors in fruit ripening and rubbery texture caused by 1-MCP in papaya

Fig. 1

Effects of 1-MCP treatment on the firmness, coloring index, respiration rate, and ethylene production of papaya fruit. a, Pictures of papaya fruit during the storage with 1-MCP treatments. b, Changes in coloring index, c, fruit firmness, d and e, fruit respiration rate and ethylene production. Control, fruit directly treated with ethephon for ripening; 400 2 h, fruit treated with 400 nL•L− 1 of 1-MCP for 2 h followed by ethephon treatment; 400 16 h, fruit treated with 400 nL•L− 1 of 1-MCP for 16 h followed by ethephon treatment. Three biological replicates were analyzed and vertical bars indicate the SE. Least significant difference (LSD) at P = 0.05 was calculated to compare the differences between means

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