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Fig. 1 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 1

From: Variation in the expression of a transmembrane protein influences cell growth in Arabidopsis thaliana petals by altering auxin responses

Fig. 1

Association of petal area variation with sequence variation in Swedish accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. a Normal distribution of the petal area trait in the set of 272 accessions collected from Sweden (Additional File 1). b Associations between 250,000 SNPs and petal areas determined by GWAPP using an Accelerated Mixed Model. The dotted line represents significance determined by the Benjamini-Hochberg FDR. Positions on chromosome 4 are shown in Mb, and associations as -log10 P values. c Petal areas in Arabidopsis accessions with the A or T allele at position 9,471,419 bp on chromosome 4. *** represents P < 0.001. d Linkage block of haplotypes associated with large petal areas. Haplotypes extending across 15 kb containing 6 gene models can be seen. The location and identity of gene models is shown in the lower panel. e Petal abaxial cell areas of three Swedish accessions carrying the increasing T allele (gray bars) and three containing the reducing A allele (orange bars)

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