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Fig. 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 2

From: Novel alleles of the VERNALIZATION1 genes in wheat are associated with modulation of DNA curvature and flexibility in the promoter region

Fig. 2

Identification of the VRN-A1 and VRN-B1 alleles during PAGE. a Discrimination of identified herein Vrn-A1i and variants of Vrn-A1b under electrophoresis optimized for low temperature conditions. PCR fragments of the VRN-A1 promoter region were amplified using the primer pair VRN1AF/VRN1-INT1R. b Mutations within VRN-box differentiate Vrn-A1i and variants of Vrn-A1b from vrn-A1 (GenBank: KM047646 (Vrn-A1b.1), KM047641 (Vrn-A1b.2), KM047647 (vrn-A1b.3), KM047651 (vrn-A1b.4), KM047652 (Vrn-A1b.5), KT692944 (Vrn-A1b.6), KM016790 (Vrn-A1i), AY747600 (vrn-A1)). The DNA sequence of the VRN-box of the Vrn-A1b variants as well as VRN-box of Vrn-A1i contains polymorphism within the A-taract, while the VRN-box of Vrn-A1b.5 and Vrn-A1b.6 differed from the VRN-box of Vrn-A1i and vrn-A1b.4 respectively, by the SNP within the C-rich segment. c PCR analysis of the VRN-B1 intron-1 for hexaploid and tetraploid wheat

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