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Fig. 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 2

From: Delayed response to cold stress is characterized by successive metabolic shifts culminating in apple fruit peel necrosis

Fig. 2

Multi-block Partial Least Squares Discriminate Analysis (MBPLS-DA) bi-plots of gene expression and metabolite level data from ‘Granny Smith’ apple peel from fruit stored in air at 1 °C for up to 183 days (6 months). Apples were treated immediately following harvest with 2000 μL L−1 DPA or 1 mL L−1 1-MCP. PC1–2 (top) and PC1–3 (bottom) planes are represented. Shapes represent scores for each observation where symbol size increases with storage duration and symbol color represents scald severity. Emboldened text labels represent position of each response variable used for the model. Red points represent transcript and blue metabolite loadings where point size and opaqueness indicates each relative VIP score

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