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Table 1 Types of energy cane clones along with their parentages

From: Biomass and energy potential of Erianthus arundinaceus and Saccharum spontaneum-derived novel sugarcane hybrids in rainfed environments

Type of energycane


Clone name


Type I

SBIEC 11002

SSCD 682

Co 1148 x SES 404 (2n = 64)

Type I

SBIEC 11003

SSCD 1013

Co 8371 x SH 216 (2n = 72)

Type I

SBIEC 11005

SSCD 941

Co 8371 x SES 574 (2n = 80)

Type I

SBIEC 11008

SSCD 849

Co 8371 x SES 410 (2n = 64)

Type I

SBIEC 11009

IA 1167

Co cane x S. spontaneum

Type I

SBIEC 13001

BM 10,192

IGH 037801 x CoJ 03193

Type I

SBIEC 13002

BM 10,135

IGH 013504 x CoJ 03193

Type I

SBIEC 13005

BM 10,161

Co 8471 x IND 84–415

Type I

SBIEC 13007

BM 10,164

Co 8471 x IND 84–415

Type I

SBIEC 13008

BM 10,286

IK76-92 x 98 N1 1405

Type I

SBIEC 13009

BM 10,110

IGH 013504 x Co 0218

Type I

SBIEC 13010

BM 10,122

MS 6847 x IND 87–145

Type I

SBIEC 14002

BM 10,177

IGH 038701 x Co 62,198

Type I

SBIEC 14003

BM 10,184

ISH 100 x PL 480 − 376

Type II

SBIEC 11004

IK 76–92 × 98 N1 1405

IK 76–92 x 98 N1 1405

Type II

SBIEC 14006

BM 09283

IK 76 − 75 GC

Type II

SBIEC 11006

IK 76–92 × 98 N1 1405

IK 76–92 x 98 N1 1405

Type II

SBIEC 11001

IK 76–92 × 98 N1 1405

IK 76–92 x 98 N1 1405

  1. Note *Type I are S. spontaneum based energycanes and type-II are E. arundinaceus based energycanes.